
Help Quit Marijuana - The Options Available For People Seeking to Quit

Many marijuana addicts face various mental health problems.
which make their life a hell,Therefore,the habit should be stopped as early as they can
various rehabilitation canters help quit smoking marijuana.

Options Available to Help Quit Marijuana

Many rehabilitation and drug detoxifying centers are there all over the world. If you are a frequent user of marijuana and you want to quit your habit, you must visit these centers to help quit cannabis.

Quitting Marijuana Is Not a Walk in the Park!

Quitting marijuana is an important decision to make. If you are addicted to marijuana, you have to understand that smoking marijuana will bring you a lot of problems. 
If you want to quit pot once and for all.
you must first educate yourself on the negative effects of quitting marijuana. Smoking marijuana will cause you to experience psychological and physical effects. 

Some of the psychological effects of smoking marijuana include anxiety, 
visual hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, temporary memory loss, paranoia, and depression The physical effects of marijuana include jittery, mouth cancer, low sperm production, late ovulation, respiratory problems, lung cancer, emphysema, and etc. Marijuana smoking will destroy your marriage and ruin your finance. 

How to Quit Smoking Weed - Controlling Marijuana Cravings

Cravings and Behavior
Cravings this hurdle we all face when we decide to quit smoking weed. 
I believe that it's not the act of smoking that you crave, it is the mental state that goes along with getting high when you smoke. 
Many people who try to quit smoking weed after a period of heavy use, are surprised by the strength of the cravings they feel. Cravings can control you behavior. 

You may find yourself calling your dealer, or going to doing activities that are likely to expose you to it, even though you have decided to quit. It is different for everybody. 

What Is Natural Marijuana Detox and How Do I Detox Marijuana At Home?

What is Natural Marijuana Detox?

'Detox' is short for 'detoxification.' A marijuana detoxification relates to the period of time after you stop smoking marijuana.

The term actually refers to the natural process your body goes through in removing unwanted marijuana toxins left over from smoking weed.
However when most people use the term 'marijuana detox' they are referring to something that can help the process go faster, so that the body can be rid of all marijuana toxins in less time.

A natural marijuana detox is a term used in modern times, and obviously refers to going through the process of removing toxins, naturally, without man-made detox kits or any artificial ingredients.

Addicted to Marijuana? Learn How To Quit Smoking Pot Today

So you are addicted to marijuana and want to stop smoking what?
If you want to how to quit smoking pot but are worried about the marijuana detox withdrawal then keep reading to learn more...

There are many different treatment programs to help people quit smoking marijuana.
Sufferers are willing to try almost anything from untested medications to psychological therapy, all with very limited success.

Well, before risking your wellbeing on an unproven or untested marijuana detox program, you can try these simple home remedies first to see if they offer you any relief before trying a more involved treatment program to stop smoking pot:

Stop Smoking Weed - How to Quit Marijuana Today!

One tip I have used to quit smoking weed was to write down the pros and cons of smoking marijuana.

Get a piece of paper and write the benefits of smoking weed on one side.
And on the other side, write down the cons of smoking weed.

Be honest with yourself and don't stop writing.
Whatever gets in your mind, write it and don't be biased.
Whatever comes in your brain, just let it flow and keep writing for at least 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes, you will have a list of benefits for smoking weed and the cons of smoking pot.

The most important thing is that from now on, you want to paste this in your room.
You want to look at this sheet of paper and remind yourself what you are REALLY doing to yourself every time you smoke another bowl of weed.

Effective Ways to Stop Marijuana Cravings

Marijuana is something that many people wish to stop smoking but find that they get both psychological cravings for it and feel weakened by social situations that are tempting.
First of all, it helps your motivation to think about the consequences of this drug.

It can make people more paranoid, disrupt focusing and concentration, have memory problem issues, ruin your future due to possible legal complications if caught and effect your respiratory system.
Thinking about these possibilities can be very sobering.

How to Stop Smoking Weed: Explore the Intricacies of Why Marijuana Is Addictive

Weed, also known as marijuana is one of the most common drugs in the world.
Many people do not realize the dangers of smoking weed.
Most of the marijuana smokers are teenagers that are entering into adolescent.
Marijuana has been in existence for many decades.
It seems the methods on how to stop smoking weed have been elusive to many.

In exploring how to stop smoking weed, you have to understand why you become addicted to it.
Marijuana is extracted from a hemp plant called cannabis sativa.
Cannabis sativa contains a property that can cause the smoker to become unconscious.
In marijuana, there are more than 400 chemicals.
The psychoactive property in marijuana is THC.
The effects of THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) in the smoker depend on a variety of factors including type of cannabis, soil, weather and the harvest time.
Nowadays, the pots are made from cannabis plant that has a high level of THC.
In fact, the weeds cultivated today have a much higher toxic content than the pot in the past.
The THC is the main component that will cause the person to become addicted to the weed.

Reasons to Stop Smoking Weed - Documented Dangers of Marijuana

This is for all those weed buffs who declare that marijuana has utterly no undesirable outcomes, while being devoid of setting aside time for any exploration themselves.
The knowledge made available here is properly tested & documented within the scientific and health care fields in order to help people understand the real dangers of marijuana and motivate them to stop smoking weed. If, perhaps you're prepared to deal with the facts, then please be my guest & keep reading the material.

Within the twenty-first millennium, the technological and healthcare field has found the way marijuana reacts the moment inside of the entire body and also the nerve fibers.
Bear in mind that it does not take very long for marijuana to journey in to the brain the moment the toxins is puffed. It looks like young users of pot can bear an even greater consequence.
Some of the documented impacts of marijuana have been various forms of mental illness, including but not limited to signs of psychosis.

How To Stop Marijuana Cravings

Would you like to learn proven methods to stop marijuana cravings from tempting you?

According to the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse that was conducted in 2001, it is estimated that 83 million Americans have tried marijuana. It is also estimated that 5.6 million of these users reporting having problems with illicit drug use and more than 2 million of these users feel dependent on smoking marijuana.

There are effective treatments and supplements that you can take to control the urge to smoke marijuana, however not everyone can afford to go to a rehab clinic or fork out hundreds of dollars for craving supplements that may or may not work.

This is where Emotional Freedom Technique (or EFT) comes into place.
It is free, quick, easy and very effective at stopping cravings of all kinds including craving to smoke marijuana joints.

So what is EFT?

Looking to Stop Smoking Marijuana? How to Develop a Winning Plan

If you are at the point in your marijuana consumption that you have decided you want to stop smoking marijuana but not sure where to start, we are here to help. Recovery can be an amazing journey of self discovery.

The first thing you will want to do is start a journal.
Begin by writing down all the reasons that led you to the decision to stop smoking marijuana.
It is vital that you understand just exactly how you got to this particular point in your life and to examine your real motivations to wanting to quick.

Once you are satisfied with this aspect, you may begin the recovery process.
First of all you need to understand that quitting an addiction like this will not be easy, and you may fail several times.
Planning your steps of recovery is very important in order for you to increase your chances of being successful. There is no set plan that works with everyone.

Your plan must be specific to your lifestyle.
What works for one person may not necessarily work for the next. After all, a recovery plan is supposed to help to control your cravings, not your buddies.
Only you will know what the triggers are that lead to your cravings.

Having an individual recovery plan in place will prepare you for the upcoming struggles, both of the mental and physical nature.
Early in the design of your plan you will need to set a date for your official "quit." This is done so you can properly prepare yourself to stop smoking marijuana forever.

Make sure that the date is an actual date and not when you figure you will be out of weed. If the date comes and you are still in possession of marijuana, flush it down the toilet.
Other aspects of your recovery plan include having a social support network
This may mean that you need to change some of the people that you associate with.
This can be a tough issue, but it's vital to your success. Also, you will need to destroy all of your smoking paraphernalia and accessories.

Lastly, don't be afraid to seek out help.
There are many low cost and even free resources in all areas of the world designed for the sole purpose of helping folks to stop smoking marijuana.

For more information on how to stop smoking marijuana  click here

Does Marijuana Stop You From Dreaming?

Regular smokers of marijuana often report that they remember no dreams while sleeping, and those coming off the drug admit to a virtual flood of dreams in their nightly sleep, but is there any scientific data to back up these claims?

Actually, there may be. Marijuana affects not only your nightly habit of dreaming, but also your ability to recall any thoughts during the night that you are experiencing.
This pattern differs greatly when marijuana use is discontinued.

Sleep is one of the most important and fascinating components of our daily lives, necessary for refueling our "batteries" and preparing us for each new day.
From a casual perspective, the practice of sleep looks like an entirely passive activity, but research suggests that the brain is hard at work whether we are asleep or awake, and when sleeping this activity often takes the form of dreams.

Your Best Shots to Stop Smoking Marijuana Forever!

There have been controversial arguments about legalizing marijuana, and to educate people on the dangers of hard drugs. Yet those affected by hard drugs find themselves not concerned about its negative effects on their health as they continue smoking marijuana.

Though you are aware of the health problems associated with marijuana, you are still not able to resist the effects due to your extensive dependence on marijuana. As you continue smoking marijuana, you lose your memories and become unconscious of what is wrong with you. That is why marijuana smokers will continue to search for a way out to stop smoking marijuana.

How To Stop Smoking Marijuana - Understanding Your Addiction

A common misconception about marijuana addiction is that like cigarettes and some hard drugs in that the body develops an addiction to a chemical and if deprived of it brings on serious physical cravings that can near incapacitate some people.

This is however totally incorrect and is one of the main reasons people misunderstand the addiction and fail when trying to quit? So what is the secret on How to stop smoking marijuana?
Why am I addicted to a non addictive substance? The answer is psychological.

Since your body has no desperate need for pot the addiction this creates is mental or psychological. Psychological addiction stems from a person's addiction to the high that an action creates; gambling addiction is the same when people are addicted to winning and even shopping can be a psychological addiction when people get addicted to finding bargains and buying nice things even if they will never use them.

Marijuana Addiction - 3 Reasons To Help You Stop Smoking Weed

Marijuana addiction is something that more and more people struggle with these days.
Giving up this addiction after several years of smoking weed and joints, is something pretty difficult. Some have compared this to giving up cigarettes, but little do they know, these two addictions are different from each other.
That is why I will give you 3 reasons that will help you strengthen your resolve and start getting you sober.

As I was saying, letting go of cigarettes isn't like getting rid of marijuana.

This is because the addiction in marijuana doesn't come from the body, it comes from the mind.
Cigarettes have nicotine which pretty much enslave your body, making it think it constantly needs it.

With marijuana, the addiction comes from the brain.
Your mind likes being high, so it begins craving for it. So in order to give up your marijuana addiction, you must fight with the tissue that commands your every move. How do you do this?

Quit Smoking Weed - CAUTION Don't Ignore These 3 Reasons to Stop Smoking Marijuana Once and For All

As marijuana is not considered a "hard drug", people can be pretty dismissive about it's effects and whether they believe it is addictive or not.

This will often lead to you thinking you can quit smoking weed whenever you feel like it and at this moment it time you just don't feel like it!
Unfortunately this is part of the psychological addiction associated with smoking marijuana.

1) You may wish to stop smoking weed because of the effects on your respiratory system. One joint is believed to be as dangerous in terms on nicotine and tar as smoking 28 cigarettes.

The main reason for this is marijuana is usually smoked without a filter and you are far more likely to hold the smoke in your lungs for a longer period of time.
If you decide to quit smoking weed, the damage caused can eventually be reversed over time.

Stop Smoking Pot - The Physical Effects of Marijuana Abuse

Smoking marijuana heavily has significant long-term negative effects the body.
Most of these negative physical effects are caused from inhalation of marijuana smoke.
The inhaled marijuana smoke can stain your hands, stain your teeth, and cause problems with your gums.

The lungs and respiratory system suffer the most from frequent marijuana abuse.
The good news is that you body begins to repair itself as soon as you stop smoking pot.

Smoking Marijuana is very hard on the respiratory system. People who smoke marijuana frequently get sick more frequently than non smokers.
They also miss more days of work due to being sick.

It also takes longer to recover from colds if you are a daily smoker.
The weed smoker cough can be pretty embarrassing.
Imagine what your lungs look like after smoking several times per day.

Marijuana Addiction Treatment - Why is it So Hard to Quit Smoking Weed

Marijuana addiction treatment is difficult for a number of reasons.

If you are struggling to quit smoking weed, it may not be your fault.
There are a number of different factors that combine to make marijuana addiction treatment difficult.

The first problem is the programs themselves.
Most drug rehabilitation treatment programs are designed after the Alcoholics Anonymous model. AA works for some people, but for many more it does not. 45% of 1st time AA members never make it to a second meeting. 95% do not make it past their first year.

This recovery model is based upon the Christian Temperance Movement, which helped bring about Prohibition in the 1920's & 30's. So the rehab program you are following may be flawed, & if you are a pot smoker the CTM may not be the best place to get your recovery model from.

Another problem is the strength of the marijuana itself.
The marijuana you are smoking today contains twice as much THC as what the hippies were smoking in the sixties.
In fact, from just 2000 to 2010 the THC content in marijuana has doubled.
But most marijuana addiction treatment programs today are relying on information from 20 or 30 years ago that says marijuana is not an addictive drug.
It is not the same drug now as it used to be.

The third problem for marijuana addiction treatment is the unique properties of marijuana's active components.
Marijuana is the only hard drug that stays in your system for long periods of time.

THC and its metabolites are fat soluble compounds. That means that they remain in your fat tissue and stay there for many months. That is why it is so hard to pass a drug test on weed.

Quit Smoking Weed - Benefits of Freedom

There are hundreds of reasons to quit smoking weed. 
Here are a few to get you started.
There are many physical benefits to quit smoking weed, the first of which is energy. 
I used to have so little energy that I couldn't even get out of bed. 
It used to take me hours to get going in the morning and even after I'd been at work a few hours I didn't really want to talk to anyone. 
Playing sports when you smoke weed is like driving with one foot on the brake and one on the gas. It's not going to help you achieve anything and you have to work harder just to keep up with everyone else's standard.

Then there's your appearance. I bet you could spot most weed smokers just by looking at them. Of course it is not obvious with everyone but for the majority of people you can tell. 
I have noticed this for years, their voice tone, their face, and of coarse anxiety is a big giveaway. 
People treat us differently when we smoke, whether they mean to or not. 
When I stopped smoking weed my skin color changed and my cheeks returned to their normal color, in the first week that I quit smoking weed a non smoker and a smoker friend commented on how my skin had cleared up and how much healthier I looked.

The Practical Ways To Stop Smoking Marijuana

There are several beneficial reasons to quit smoking marijuana; it is not only fun, but relieves stress, it is great for socializing and also lots of medical benefits among many other reasons.

Just like quitting cigarette smoking, it is not an easy task to quit smoking marijuana; it can be a daunting and very difficult experience especially after a longtime addiction.

However, the myriad benefits of a marijuana-free life overshadows this experience. The following are some of the practical ways that you can adapt to quit marijuana.

What Led you to smoking?

After you have made the decision and ready for the healing process, there are several ways to stop smoking marijuana. First, you need to know what got you into smoking marijuana in the first place. In some cases, people get into smoking to avoid certain problems or issues in their lives.

5 Instant Health Benefits of Quitting Marijuana

If you are a regular, heavy pot smoker, perhaps it is time to admit that certain things in your life are miserable because of weed, 
things that could almost instantly change if you just stop smoking.
If you have lied to yourself for long enough about your smoking habit and how it affects you, and you're finally ready to try quitting, here is what you can expect.

The Negative First...
You may have heard you will experience some side effects after quitting-things like depression, irritability, sleep difficulties, etc-and you probably will, but these symptoms are temporary and manageable. 
There are even a few tricks to avoid most of them. Believe me, with time you will get over it. Whatever you do, don't let a few side effects get in the way of your health and well-being.
The 5 Instant Health Benefits of Quitting Marijuana
Breathe. In just a few short weeks after quitting marijuana entirely, your lung function will begin to improve and you'll have more energy and stamina. 
Not quitting could mean a number of bronchial and respiratory illnesses, including bronchitis, emphysema and even cancer.
Sleep. Proper sleep is extremely vital to your overall health, and studies have shown that marijuana use has a negative impact on your sleep cycles and the quality of your sleep. 
Most marijuana users report the absence of dreams and restless sleep when using, largely because the drug interrupts the REM cycle which is necessary for both dreams and complete rest. 
However, in just a few short days after quitting marijuana, your body will return to its normal patterns and you'll finally get the sleep you need.
Mood. Smoking weed affects your mood whether you're high or not. 
When using, your mood may be lethargic and apathetic, and you may feel like you've not a care in the world. 
But when you're not high, you become irritable and anxious. 
This kind of stress and anxiety can play havoc on a number of different organ systems in the body, including your heart. 
Once you quit smoking marijuana, however, your mood will eventually stabilize and you will not experience so many highs and lows.
Memory and Learning. Researchers have proven that regular marijuana use affects both your memory and your ability to learn, and long-term use may impact these two areas permanently. 
The sooner you rid yourself of your pot habit, the sooner your memory and ability to learn will return to normal.
Sex. Thinking about having kids? 
Not only does smoking marijuana decrease your sex drive and performance, it may also cause infertility. 
In a number of independent studies, people smoking marijuana were far less interested in sex than peers from the same age group. 
Moreover, THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, has been proven to cause infertility in men and women alike, mostly due to the way the chemical affects the sperm. 
Don't worry, though, shortly after quitting marijuana your sex drive will return to normal, and with marijuana completely expelled from your body your fertility will improve dramatically.
Despite what pro-legalization advocates want you to believe, marijuana is a drug, and as with any drug there are certain dangers involved. Fortunately, 
it's not too late. If you quit marijuana today, most of these symptoms will disappear and you will be on the road to health and happiness.
Do you need to quit weed but find it difficult to do it on your own? If you would like a modern technique that uses natural marijuana detox and many other proven methods designed to help you quit weed easily, check out the Quit Weed Guide  read more

Treat Marijuana Addiction - Options When You Stop Smoking Weed

If you've been addicted to marijuana, you probably want to know how to treat marijuana addiction, right?
Of course you do.

I got to tell you something.
That's probably one of the most important questions on every smoker who got fed up with this habit.

Quit Marijuana Cold Turkey

This is the type of withdrawal they talk about in movies when they show you how to treat marijuana addiction. What you do is you simply quit. Sounds easy, huh?

Well, it's not. The withdrawal symptoms can get really bad and you pretty much have to get yourself ready for a few really crappy days.

You'll most likely not be able to do anything.

Why I Quit Marijuana

My motivation to quit marijuana, pot, cannabis or whatever you personally call it, was because I had gotten into a rut of smoking it all day, every day.

Late at night or early morning, utterly convinced I enjoyed it, I would sit, roll and smoke joint after joint.

As the years rolled on marijuana seemed more like self-prescribed medication to keep me calm than the fun, recreational drug I once considered it to be.

Knocking on my dealer's door became a symbol of need and at times desperation.

I often looked like I had been dragged through a hedge backwards and I completely lost my self-confidence to communicate with even my closest friends.

But the dread of existing without my cherished marijuana fix was enough to force me to abandon each and every attempt to quit.

Improved health is of course a guaranteed benefit of quitting but it was equally important to me to be able to enjoy myself socially and not be stalked by pangs of temptation after I quit.

Despite feeling unhealthy, sluggish and a slave to marijuana it bothered me that quitting meant living a dull and dreary existence.

Back in those days I lived the classic comedy Cheech and Chong lifestyle.

Nowadays there is nothing anyone could say to persuade me to put a filthy horrible joint anywhere near my mouth! That's because I eventually quit:

·Without using willpower
·Without dwelling on the disadvantages
·Without substitute drugs
·Without the feeling I was making a sacrifice
·Without psychobabble or gimmicks

There is of course no annual recorded death rate.

There is no such thing as a marijuana hangover or comedown period.

There is obviously little chance of waking up in a derelict drug-den with hypodermic needles littering the floor alongside ashen-faced drug addicts.

But without getting all 'Reefer Madness' about it, those facts are only half of the marijuana story.

It can ruin your life but the benefits of quitting are worth it and plentiful.

Advice on How to Quit Marijuana - Avoiding Roadblocks

How to quit marijuana can seem to some people to be a very simple question and to others an incredibly complex one.

Some may think this difference of opinion simply comes from peoples varying levels of commitment to their attempts to stop smoking pot and this is somewhat correct but the circumstances people are in have some of the greatest effects on people chances of kicking their weed addiction and many of the problems I like to call roadblocks.

A roadblock is something we think we cannot pass, an insurmountable obstacle set before us that stops our attempts to move forward and appear to a marijuana user trying to quit to be a point they cannot go past so they simply turn around and head back on down the same path because that roadblock is not going anywhere. Some examples I have seen include:

Becoming extremely stressed when ceasing to smoke weed
Panic attacks
Lack of support from friends and family
Social ostracism
... and many more!
These roadblocks I like to think fall into two categories and need different approaches.

Speed humps

A speed hump does not stop you going forward they simply slow you down, they are rough and sometimes fro a distance they look like you can't get over them until you get closer and attempt it and realize they are not so bad!

The only way to determine this is to look at the situation up close and work out can you just push on through it and it was fear of failure holding you back from giving up smoking weed not any real danger.


A real barrier is something that you cannot get past, or if you do try you end up wrecking yourself or something else (or someone else).

Often sever issues of mental health or extreme social issues can become real problems when you are trying to work out how to quit marijuana and it looks like the end.

Obviously you cannot just power on here but there are other things you can do. Following the roads analogy I might be laboring a little bit we might see our path to quitting marijuana as a straight line with speed humps and sometimes a barrier ending our journey, but what if there was another path?

What if we could go around that barrier or remove that barrier in a different way that just trying to drive on over it?
The real secret to avoiding roadblocks is to not tackle them head on if you are going to lose but instead try to find a different path, think of new ways and approaches to the problem or sometimes realize that this roadblock might have to be removed by getting our of the metaphorical car and solving this issue first.

In the next section on how to quit smoking marijuana will get a few examples I have seen for a better understanding.

In the first part of this article we discussed how problems in our life can present what may seem like barriers that we cannot overcome and force many people to turn around and give up on their attempt to quit smoking pot. This advice on how to quit marijuana will continue on with some common and not so common examples of how former pot smokers have handled these situations.

Social obstacles

Many marijuana addicts are social smokers as well as on their own and many have a culture that is based around smoking pot and all their friends do and often their families too.

Recently I heard of a girl who was stressed out because all of her close friends smoked pot but she really wanted to stop and felt that if she revealed this to her friends there would be social consequences.

This may have been understandable but the stress and anxiety over losing her friends nearly broke her resolve until she was advised to look at the issue a little closer and found that the problem in her mind had become a lot bigger than it really was.

By simply talking to her friends about how she felt it was best for her without judging her friends she found that most actually supported her and some decided to join her in her efforts!

This was a classic example of a speed hump where the obstacle only seemed impassable and became smaller only when she had the courage to go over it.

Family Obstacle

Sometimes a social problem is not as easy to overcome however as another common problem is when your family all smoke and you cannot move out, and even worse they do NOT support your efforts to quit.

A lack of freedom and space can make if very hard and if you can not change those around you and receive no support the stress can be very high and drive you back to smoking as it can be too hard not too.

This is more a of a road block as you are caught between a rock and a hard place and it feels like there is no solution.
In these times you have to be a little more creative and find a new way, the individual in question here fond a way forward by realizing that the roadblock that was his living conditions and addicted family was the only reason he kept smoking, not only this but a fairly abusive relationship with his father was sapping his will and all this stress and anxiety simply meant it was easier to smoke and fall into line even though he knew it was destroying his chances at a better life.

The solution ... to move out despite the horrendous difficulties this posed.

It was a new path, a rocky path but it was this or return to the same problem.

I head from this guy a few months later and now that he had quit smoking he had moved into a clean share house and while money was tight the benefits of being free was worth the hardship.

This may not be possible for everyone but it shows how a rougher path can sometimes be the only way forward if you identify the crucial base problems for your continuing dependence on smoking weed.

Masking Problems

Another reason some people continue to smoke weed is that it is a way to mask another problem such as depression, anxiety or even rage and psychosis.

Some feel that the effects of marijuana help them cope with these conditions but know that they need to quit, and then fall back to smoking because they feel they cannot handle whatever other problems they have.

With this in mind the roadblock is the other condition they suffer from that stops them moving forward but the problem most face is that they think this other problem is unsolvable and often use it as an excuse to continue smoking because masking their problems is easier than fixing them.

The answer?
 Treating the underlying problem of course! If this means going to therapy or buying medication designed to specifically deal with brain chemical imbalances then so be it but only by removing this roadblock will you ever move forward.

In the end all of these problems are about analysis, honesty and a motivation to do things other than just stopping smoking which is sometimes the easiest bit.

By finding a path you can follow these stressful difficulties can be avoided and overcome making the road to find out how to quit marijuana that much easier, better and lasting too.

For more advice from someone who has been there and done that and knows the real reasons why people find it hard to quit click below to find out more on how to quit smoking pot

How to Quit Weed Permanently

Finding out how to quit weed can be challenging, but can benefit your entire life when you succeed. Since you are reading this article,

I bet you have already imagined ways your life will improve when you finally quit... Who wants to be tired all the time, keep spending hundreds of dollars on something that is not as fun as it used to be, or feel isolated from friends and family who do not feel comfortable around anyone smoking pot?

If any of this resonates with you, you have come to the right place.

With the right help, the process of quitting marijuana cold turkey is easier than you might think, especially with the help of the internet.

Once you find the right resources and understand more about your addiction, you can finally use an effective plan to help you quit marijuana for good.

I personally never thought marijuana had any long term side effects, and I am still convinced of that, and it gave me an excuse to smoke as much as I wanted. But for as long was I kept smoking every day, I was caught up in a cycle of addiction.

The Secret to Quit Smoking Weed - How I Quit My Marijuana Addiction Once & For All!

The key is to exercise for 21 days in a row!

That's right. Replace your time for smoking weed with time for exercising for 21 to 30 days in row.

The reason why it is 21 days is because studies have shown that people adopt new habits if they do anything for 21 to 30 consecutive days.

Listen, I used to smoke pot for over 5 years and could not quit for some reason. But then I started to exercise for over 21 days in a row.

To be honest sometimes, I'd even be high working out but little by little, I noticed myself spending a little bit more time exercising while forgetting about smoking weed.

After 21 days, my new hobby of exercising started to take over my old hobby of smoking weed.

That's what you need to do.

You need to find something that REPLACES your time for smoking.

Up to this point, you probably do nothing else but smoke marijuana all day.

If someone asked me what I liked to do for fun (back in the days), I told them that I liked to get with my friends and smoke weed.

Seriously! That was my hobby.

But now you need a DIFFERENT HOBBY to replace your old marijuana smoking hobby.

At first, it may take some time to adjust.

But little by little, you will start to have more interest in your new hobby if you exercise for at least 21 consecutive days in a row.

So starting today, adopt a NEW habit of exercising for 21 days in a row. Soon, you will be on your way to quit smoking marijuana forever!

Bobby Min is a ex-marijuana addict who teaches how to quit smoking weed.
Click here to learn how to quit smoking marijuana.

A Simple Two Step Exercise To Help Quit Marijuana Now!

In the past decade there have been a number of psychologists who have contributed to the growing body of information about quitting pot.

Many of these experts have come to a conclusion that quitting cannabis is roughly 10% physical dependence and more importantly 90% psychological habit. When people start to consider quitting weed, they are forced to consider the health reasons, financial reasons, and family reasons for changing.

This article will discuss the three main issues involved and bring attention to some of the principals that you can learn and use immediately.

The best way to benefit from learning psychology to help yourself, is to realize that it is all about self-analysis and self discovery.

How To Stop Marijuana Addiction Positively

Let's face it, people smoke marijuana because it feels good and often because they think it is not a big problem like other harder drugs.

Humans are creatures of pleasure and if it did not feel good we would not do it. However there comes a time when the no matter how good it feels it seems like we come back to weed out of habit, it has become the norm and ingrained in our lives so tightly that when we think on how to stop marijuana addiction it up feels painful and negative.

As was mentioned however we seek pleasure and we seek activities and moments that feel good and positive.

3 Things People That Quit Weed And Succeed Have In Common

Many people who smoke marijuana do it rarely or only smoke it occasionally and have no problems in quitting. However, people smoking regularly, or for a long time that are trying to quit marijuana, are experiencing real problems getting away from the drug.

Marijuana can become addictive in a regular user.

With the potency of marijuana on the rise, many people are now finding themselves addicted. Across the globe, there are literally millions of people smoking marijuana regularly, and over 90% of them will attempt to quit at some point in their life.

Will they all quit weed and succeed?

No, many people who try to quit marijuana will fail. In fact, the large majority of people trying to quit will fail within the first two weeks, and continue to smoke for years.

Important Side Effects of Quitting Weed

Chronic weed use has been associated with many documented and undocumented effects on the human body.
Smoking is the commonest way of marijuana consumption and since marijuana smoke is usually inhaled deep and retained for a significant amount of time, this can lead to chronic bronchial irritation.

Apart from this feature the marijuana smoke contains over 400 different chemicals, some of which may be carcinogenic although concrete evidence linking marijuana use to cancer is lacking.

3 Killer Reasons To Stop Smoking Weed - What Is Marijuana Doing To Your Physical Appearance?

There are many reasons why you probably want to stop smoking weed, and in today's article I would like to discuss the physical effects that marijuana has on you and your body.

I have always thought it was a great idea to create a list of different reasons why you should quit smoking weed. At least this way you're able to clarify in your own mind the negative effects of your marijuana addiction, and indeed it is fantastic to use as a reference guide.

1) Your breathing and respiratory system - most people find that smoking pot can have a fairly negative effect on their respiratory system. Let's face facts, you definitely don't breathe as well as you would if you
didn't smoke at all.

Why Quit Marijuana? - The Effects of Marijuana on the Mind

Those who smoke marijuana are familiar with the "high" they feel when they smoke. This article discusses the effects of THC on the brain, as well as the negative effects of heavy marijuana use on the mind.

How does Marijuana Effect the Brain?

THC, the active ingredient in marijuana works on specific parts of the brains hardware, called cannabinoid receptors. Activating a cannabinoid receptor with THC creates a bunch of cellular reactions that eventually create to the "high" that you feel when you smoke weed.

Cannabinoid receptors exist throughout the brain. They are most common in parts The areas of the brain that influence pleasure, time, memory, and concentration have the highest conentration of these receptors.

What To Expect When You Quit Marijuana!

Changing any habit that we do daily is a challenge for most people and to quit marijuana is no different. When you decide to quit smoking pot, there are a number of things you may want to consider ahead of time.
so that your not thrown off guard when they come up.
From having realistic expectations of quitting, understanding the temporary withdrawal symptoms, the most
common times that relapses occur, and how many attempts most successful ex-weed smokers endure before reaching success.
This article will discuss these four main events that occur and give suggestions that can help improve the rate of success dramatically. The first step is making your plan.

When people decide that its time to quit smoking cannabis, it is important to remember that quitting isn't easy. It's important that when you make a plan that you have realistic expectation of quitting marijuana. It
may not be easy but its not impossible either.

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