
Looking to Stop Smoking Marijuana? How to Develop a Winning Plan

If you are at the point in your marijuana consumption that you have decided you want to stop smoking marijuana but not sure where to start, we are here to help. Recovery can be an amazing journey of self discovery.

The first thing you will want to do is start a journal.
Begin by writing down all the reasons that led you to the decision to stop smoking marijuana.
It is vital that you understand just exactly how you got to this particular point in your life and to examine your real motivations to wanting to quick.

Once you are satisfied with this aspect, you may begin the recovery process.
First of all you need to understand that quitting an addiction like this will not be easy, and you may fail several times.
Planning your steps of recovery is very important in order for you to increase your chances of being successful. There is no set plan that works with everyone.

Your plan must be specific to your lifestyle.
What works for one person may not necessarily work for the next. After all, a recovery plan is supposed to help to control your cravings, not your buddies.
Only you will know what the triggers are that lead to your cravings.

Having an individual recovery plan in place will prepare you for the upcoming struggles, both of the mental and physical nature.
Early in the design of your plan you will need to set a date for your official "quit." This is done so you can properly prepare yourself to stop smoking marijuana forever.

Make sure that the date is an actual date and not when you figure you will be out of weed. If the date comes and you are still in possession of marijuana, flush it down the toilet.
Other aspects of your recovery plan include having a social support network
This may mean that you need to change some of the people that you associate with.
This can be a tough issue, but it's vital to your success. Also, you will need to destroy all of your smoking paraphernalia and accessories.

Lastly, don't be afraid to seek out help.
There are many low cost and even free resources in all areas of the world designed for the sole purpose of helping folks to stop smoking marijuana.

For more information on how to stop smoking marijuana  click here


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