There are several beneficial reasons to quit smoking marijuana; it is not only fun, but relieves stress, it is great for socializing and also lots of medical benefits among many other reasons.
Just like quitting cigarette smoking, it is not an easy task to quit smoking marijuana; it can be a daunting and very difficult experience especially after a longtime addiction.
However, the myriad benefits of a marijuana-free life overshadows this experience. The following are some of the practical ways that you can adapt to quit marijuana.
What Led you to smoking?
After you have made the decision and ready for the healing process, there are several ways to stop smoking marijuana. First, you need to know what got you into smoking marijuana in the first place. In some cases, people get into smoking to avoid certain problems or issues in their lives.
It is therefore important that you find your reasons and deal with them accordingly. You can consult a therapist if need be, or talk to a close friend or family member to support your decision to stop smoking marijuana.
Evaluate your relationships
It is important to know the people you spend most of your time with.
If you have been a long time smoker, you probably know a lot of smokers who do not want to stop.
It is quite difficult to stop smoking marijuana if you spend most of your time with friends who smoke and drink all the time.
Step away from friendships that are based on marijuana and nothing else.
This will help you to avoid temptation so that you can focus on the healing process.
You will most likely lose a lot of friends, but a friendship based solely on marijuana is not worth your time.
Planning makes half of the recovery process.
The rest of the process is executing the plan. You need to want to stop smoking marijuana and harness it into action once you have decided to quit.
During planning, it is of importance to know some of the withdrawal symptoms that you may experience to get ready for them. These include:
sleeplessness- avoid caffeine, if you can, during the first few days because sleeplessness is one of the withdrawal symptoms, and caffeine will only worsen matters.
Low appetite- you may feel nauseated at times, it is therefore important that you eat foods that are easy on the stomach like bananas, apples, toast, rice and oatmeal, among others.
Anxiety- feeling out of sorts or on-edge is another common withdrawal symptom while quitting a drug. It is therefore imperative that you prepare for such symptoms, you can plan for, say some yoga classes, to feel relaxed.
Find a detox plan
Choose a detoxification program that you can stick to.
There are several rehabilitation, counselling centers or addiction support groups that you may want to consider joining to gain practical advice about the DO's and DON'Ts.
A simple detox program that you can adapt to cleanse your body of harmful toxins from smoking can include;
-Drinking plenty of water on a daily basis
-Getting rid of soft drinks- especially carbonated drinks.
-Reducing fast foods and junk food from you diets
-Being more physically active; like riding a bike, jogging, and swimming among other engaging exercises.
If you are serious on quitting marijuana, it is important that you learn the healthy foods, and focus on improving your health. It is tough during the initial stages, but it gets easier and enjoyable with time.
The fascinating thing about exercises is that they actually give you more energy, flexibility and keep you more
Just like quitting cigarette smoking, it is not an easy task to quit smoking marijuana; it can be a daunting and very difficult experience especially after a longtime addiction.
However, the myriad benefits of a marijuana-free life overshadows this experience. The following are some of the practical ways that you can adapt to quit marijuana.
What Led you to smoking?
After you have made the decision and ready for the healing process, there are several ways to stop smoking marijuana. First, you need to know what got you into smoking marijuana in the first place. In some cases, people get into smoking to avoid certain problems or issues in their lives.
It is therefore important that you find your reasons and deal with them accordingly. You can consult a therapist if need be, or talk to a close friend or family member to support your decision to stop smoking marijuana.
Evaluate your relationships
It is important to know the people you spend most of your time with.
If you have been a long time smoker, you probably know a lot of smokers who do not want to stop.
It is quite difficult to stop smoking marijuana if you spend most of your time with friends who smoke and drink all the time.
Step away from friendships that are based on marijuana and nothing else.
This will help you to avoid temptation so that you can focus on the healing process.
You will most likely lose a lot of friends, but a friendship based solely on marijuana is not worth your time.
Planning makes half of the recovery process.
The rest of the process is executing the plan. You need to want to stop smoking marijuana and harness it into action once you have decided to quit.
During planning, it is of importance to know some of the withdrawal symptoms that you may experience to get ready for them. These include:
sleeplessness- avoid caffeine, if you can, during the first few days because sleeplessness is one of the withdrawal symptoms, and caffeine will only worsen matters.
Low appetite- you may feel nauseated at times, it is therefore important that you eat foods that are easy on the stomach like bananas, apples, toast, rice and oatmeal, among others.
Anxiety- feeling out of sorts or on-edge is another common withdrawal symptom while quitting a drug. It is therefore imperative that you prepare for such symptoms, you can plan for, say some yoga classes, to feel relaxed.
Find a detox plan
Choose a detoxification program that you can stick to.
There are several rehabilitation, counselling centers or addiction support groups that you may want to consider joining to gain practical advice about the DO's and DON'Ts.
A simple detox program that you can adapt to cleanse your body of harmful toxins from smoking can include;
-Drinking plenty of water on a daily basis
-Getting rid of soft drinks- especially carbonated drinks.
-Reducing fast foods and junk food from you diets
-Being more physically active; like riding a bike, jogging, and swimming among other engaging exercises.
If you are serious on quitting marijuana, it is important that you learn the healthy foods, and focus on improving your health. It is tough during the initial stages, but it gets easier and enjoyable with time.
The fascinating thing about exercises is that they actually give you more energy, flexibility and keep you more
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